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What is BrainsNet.Net

We do not aim to be an encyclopaedia on any subject.

BrainsNet.Net concentrates on what is out of the ordinary, the product of markedly different thinking.

BrainsNet.Net insists on the rigorous testing of rational ideas through logic. Science (the method) and knowledge are treated as subordinate to reason and logic for the purpose of these pages, very much in the spirit of ancient Greek philosophy but adapted to the modern world.

"Imagination is superior to knowledge. Knowledge is limited." Albert Einstein

Creative thinking in the arts is judged differently, but purely on merit. BrainsNet.Net does not count success, fame or celebrity status as the measure of quality. Each piece of work must stand in its own right. Only what counts as exceptional will appear on these pages. A new symphony or a pop song must break new ground to get a review. For the same reason, we take no interest in anyone's qualifications or biographical details.

Good minds share a common understanding, no matter what their individual discipline. So any piece on, for example, theoretical physics will be made accessible to the non-expert, just as the importance of a great novel will be to one born a mathematician. We aim to do this without oversimplifying, by concentrating on the greater meaning, rather than any technical details.

The question we always ask is, what is the essence of the thing?

Beauty is valued as much as intelligence, as a form of truth - whether it is beauty in art, a scientific theory or in natural form. (Please, see related page: The Importance of Truth and Beauty.)

Prejudice (pre-judging without proper understanding) will have no place here, in any form.

Nothing on this website is published without scrutiny and evaluation. We will reject material which contradicts proven science, but it is not our aim to establish scientific accuracy every time. The standard that we set is that the material must be out of the ordinary, and the product of ingenious thinking. We welcome well thought-out, well constructed challenges to any established theory or accepted wisdom, if that challenge is based on sound reason or new evidence. And that goes for any subject.

Most academic papers would not qualify, unless they met the above criteria.

Each piece is the product of its signed author.

BrainsNet.Net is not a forum for one-liners. We will consider all-round essays that explore such concepts in full. Please, see Terms for submitting material and ideas before submitting.

The views on these pages do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher. It is in the nature of this website that some views will seem controversial to someone, most of the time. We respect your right to disagree, and you may be right. However, we remember thousands of years where established thinking was discredited after being followed by all the eminent experts in the field and for a long time.


"All great truths begin as blasphemies."
George Bernard Shaw.



  "Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet...
Be curious."
Stephen Hawking.
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